Wednesday, December 12, 2007

finally , i'm back bloggin

first of all , i'm back blogging because , julien lim zhen wei asked me to.
many many bad things happened to me. how sad ! ):
i don't really wanna think bout it anymore but its okay . imma post it all out.
on my birthday, only 2 celebrated with me (:
which is my bestfriend yokeshan and nataliehay that sweet girl.
after the celebration in pyramid [ my love ]. went to TTDI shuffle comp.
shit happens. haha. got whacked by 5 men. and both my phone got PAO-ed. x)
dhat's very saddd. ):
but nah, everything happens for a reason. maybe its karma ? (:
GOD made this so i should just thank God. thank GOD that those men didnt STAB me.
instead of just bashing me up. [ i have no idea why they did so ]
dhat's very saddd. ):
i have no good luck lately. but its okay ! (: i still have mummy and daddy and cheche.
lol i have FRIENDS . envy me (:
well juuu was there for me. thank youuu
dhat's very nicee. (:
elaine cheche also . thanks alot.
leeyokeshan ! my bestfriend. se-kalung terima kasih saya ucapkan.
i wanna thank all my friends that wished me for my brithday.
i've counted and i've got 63 wishes.
dhat's very saddd. ):
haha! but i'm proud with everything i have now.
live life to the fullest all. and take care !
one lesson i've learnt. APPRECIATE the ones you have now.
you'll realise how hurting isit when you loose them.
ps. i know who i really love (:
i wanna end this post now. since juu is waiting for me to finish up this post. (:
hope you enjoy reading it.
i really love you. and you know who you are (:
happyholidays! and merry christmas all.